Louis Garand
The NoN Library
The number of texts published from Gutenberg until the year 2000 is considerable, but this quantity has already been surpassed since the year 2000 until the publication of the current catalog. Among this editorial mass, publications regarding the critique of nonexistent books remain extremely rare… This genre, which combines the literary lightness recommended by Italo Calvino and the advantage of not cluttering the archives of national libraries, is not, of course, the invention of Louis Garand. Among the most famous writers who, before him, ventured down this path, Stanislaw Lem with A Perfect Vacuum had the ambition of an Anthology of Non-Existent Books. With his Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain Borges invented an author and his work. François Rabelais attributed books to authors who did not write them and a book he did not write to a non-existent Dynarius. If an author did not write it (and will certainly never undertake its writing), does it not imply attributing this book, and also its critique, to fictitious authors? Visit the NoN Library Catalog :